Redmond, WA 425.999.0658
Click through the slide shows below using the page controls under each section. These samples are representative of planning and driving projects to completion. They include defining business requirements, user requirements, scenarios, test planning, IA, interaction, layout, visual design, and quality assurance. Methods range from waterfall through agile and lean process.
Improving Sales Outcomes
The goal was to show a mobile and desktop design solution with the purpose of opening a conversation around a technology partnership that would work broadly across many scenarios.
Steps: Login, View project status to find out what work preparation is needed for a line of work.
Workplace Platform
Search Success Stories within the sales proposal area.
Search, View Groups Tab, View People Tab to learn about people involved and start networking
Workplace Platform
Message colleagues on best practices for an upcoming proposal.
Select Sales, Write and Post Message
Workplace Platform
Check on Alerts for return message, Select the contact to create a new workspace
Return to Dashboard, Set Alert, Select Jacks reply to learn more
Workplace Platform
Create workspace with a colleague - Jack
Save workplace
Return to workplace home
Workplace Platform
Later, back in the office Tom opens the workspace and looks at his projects.
Relevant info has been recommended and organized based on priority for Tom's work context
Workplace Platform
Tom opens Contoso Project
Workplace Platform
Tom checks out the Contoso project
He decides to contact Jack
Workplace Platform
Tom starts a video chat with Jack.
Tom gets a link from Jack during the call.
Workplace Platform
Tom opens opens Jacks link and filters page to deals in the USA only.
Workplace Platform
Tom assigns a colleague a task
Workplace Platform
Tom saves the task. The task is routed through CRM
Workplace Platform
Tom to sees a link referring to another successful proposal.
Tom messages the Barb, who is associated with the proposal.
Workplace Platform
Tom gets a note from Barb that outlines the win. He lets Jack know about it.
This information all becomes part of the recommender system that saves and routes information.
Workplace Platform
Tom continues messaging, connecting documents
and people automatically while building his proposal.
Workplace Platform
Tom gets notifications that all tasks are complete for the proposal. This allows Tom to respond in a
timely manner while on the road. Tom submits the proposal to executive management for approval.
Workplace Platform
This is the state the project was in when handed to me. The task was to make it modern and usable. The prototype was used as a sample of the possible in a partnership with Microsoft.
From Scenario to Solution
End to End Design: The persona's below represent the end to end enterprise insurance actor needs. This high level scenario sets context for all actors including the client. It sets the stage for collaboration on a complex enterprise solution. The steps per stage drove efforts for multiple user stories and complexities across user behaviors. This focus allowed the cross functional team to understand the core solution value: improving communication and collaboration across a complex set of needs, behaviors,and information.
From Scenario to Solution
This site structure was designed to complement persona needs based on the scenario information structure. The scenario was driven from observational site visits, taking into account common roles, communications behaviors, language and concept grouping. The site-map accounts for information patterns used for specific roles, shared overlaps in roles and information, and how each role accesses and used information. Usability studies helped vet and improve the quality and durability of the IA and the final solution.
From Scenario to Solution
This is a deeper dive into a flow that is represented as a a series of discreet steps across the larger scenario. It was used to dig into what interactions take place across roles, where improvements in those interactions improved customer and user satisfaction and efficiency. High level scenarios with detailed user flows drive a consistent improvement process for behavior and interactions. This allows assessment of prototypes in a continuous improvement process. This method empowers both design thinking and agile methods.
From Scenario to Solution
This innovative dashboard matches an agents mental model with a time-line representation. It allows agents to quickly organize work for the month/week/day and work through multiple client calls simultaneously. Client information, documents, and conversations help orient the agent in a highly efficient manner. Site visits provided input that paper processes were used in various forms. Efficiency gain was 80%.
From Scenario to Solution
Keeping UI actions where the agent is focused helps them concentrate on the task rather than interface actions.
From Scenario to Solution
The summary time-line lets sales leads understand all sales and delegate to marketing assistants as needed.
From Scenario to Solution
Here the executive sales lead can easily collaborate with the marketing team.
From Scenario to Solution
This time line drill in allows the lead to hand off the engagement to the marketing agent , including detailed client conversation. The drill in experience helps marketing agents quickly understand client context while multitasking across calls.
From Scenario to Solution
It's easy for marketing agents to see detail and task switch across accounts and submissions, using their preferred mental model of a time based task model.
From Scenario to Solution
Here the agent can send invites to all markets at one time. In this case an efficiency gain of approximately 10x.
From Scenario to Solution
A task list promotes processes critical to an agency. Checks make it easy to understand context and provide detailed context as the conversation progresses.
From Scenario to Solution
Additional contextual detail for each agency is allowed through a framework pattern that meets preferred processes per agency.
From Scenario to Solution
Process details are available across different tasks provided in the marketing process. The pattern framework provides data needed per agency.
From Scenario to Solution
To understand additional data at detail, a process based navigation allows agents quick access into sub processes across and within submissions.
From Scenario to Solution
Process based navigation allows both a linear and non-linear approach, which can be regulated by the agency to meet business requirements. This allows agencies the option, and improves the speed of information intake for many companies.
From Scenario to Solution
Agents can use the submission level input for information generic to all carriers, and drop down to the carrier level to fine tune detail. This allows increase in efficiencies for preparation of information, communication, hand-offs, and training within the agency.
From Scenario to Solution
Being able to view information within the context of the process saves agencies more than 50% organizational time. Previously each form had to be opened separately.
From Scenario to Solution
Showing scroll detail for interaction purposes. Alternatively, browser scroll and resize offer more information per process stage.
From Scenario to Solution
Detailed contact information offers personalization previously not available at the agency level. Having consistent information improves company communication and brand experience.
From Scenario to Solution
Communication around each document and the overall submission quickly brings an agent up to speed, easing task switching and allowing more efficiency and client support. This provides a personalized client/agent relationship, providing increased understanding of needs and trust in the business.
From Scenario to Solution
A collaboration portal supports communication between the insurance agency and a client, supporting easy client access to the agency and the policy. Alerts show the client the policy is up for renewal. Documents, next steps, and alerts are automatically populated to support task flow. Users can add supplemental documents as needed. Messaging and email notifications bring the need to the clients (and agents) attention.
From Scenario to Solution
Another concept that grew out of this project was a company wide UI component model that was developed into a cross application UI framework. The outcome was a library of repeatable UI patterns that reduced cost and effort to produce and use, benefiting both the company I worked for and its clients.
From Scenario to Solution
Showing a flow analysis to start the project. Users moved through multiple applications for forms, data, and state. The applications handle a complex business process and each application had different navigation structures and interaction patterns. This was inefficient for both getting through the process, and organizational health.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Sales teams need targeted content to prepare for engagements, from first contact to deep dive customization detail. With 1200 pages of content a quick path to concise and effective content packages geared to specific customers was needed. My task was to identify the best platform and pitch it to leadership. The proposal: A mobile first, automated content promotion system for continuous improvement.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
The create action provides content packaging in preparation for specific team meetings if current content groupings don't fit the need. This added content is then rated by a weighted intelligent system, and promoted or demoted based on use and associated value.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
The experience opens up content selection, providing quick recognition through content level groupings..
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Sales team members can rate content effectiveness, which is added to other KPI's such as frequency of use per region, number of views, ,umber of discreet users, etc. The platform can promote content based on ratings and content relationships to continually improve sales effectiveness.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Using the content view in the creation process allows team collaboration in refining content through editing, commenting, and sharing through messaging or email.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Comments make it easy to focus on specific areas. Sharing allows messages at a high level, but can also refer to specific comments. Making collaboration easier.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Sharing can be directed to specific team members or the whole team. Once the content is shared, the designated team will see the new content when they open the application (shown as 'First Contact' here.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution
Information such are ratings and collaborators can be viewed at different levels to easily gain contextual understanding as well as team members qualitative views of content effectiveness.
Enterprise Sales Platform - Wireframes
The following screens show the original wire-frames based on a vetted sales preparation scenario.
In this set a sales lead goes to a content site to gather materials that will be shared
across teams and geographies in preparation for a pre-sales meeting.
Enterprise Sales Platform
Sales lead selects and filters appropriate content.
Enterprise Sales Platform
The sales lead reduces the content areas to
focus the team on the 1st meeting with a new customer.
Enterprise Sales Platform
The sales lead shares out the content as cards for the upcoming meeting
Enterprise Sales Platform
The lead messages the team on the sections,
giving team members different areas to cover.
Enterprise Sales Platform
The lead watches ratings on cards to see what works well
as best practice candidates to share with the larger sales community.
Enterprise Sales Platform
An additional slide showing naming convention the team used during design and development costing.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution XD working canvas
Here is an overview of the working screens in Adobe XD, showing problem solving for moving from inherited full desktop display to how cards would work to re-arrange that content. This is the first iteration and was used to vet the experience with users and stakeholders.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution XD working canvas
The problem state for starting the project is shown here. Users had to drill down using left navigation, then select a content package (middle), and then try to find relevant content within that content package (right). The items on the right could have hundreds of pages. A mobile experience needed to be part of the solution.
Enterprise Sales Content Management and Distribution XD working canvas
This represents a refined view of requirements after analysis. It was used to account for UI patterns and content structure.
Process Filters for Quick Library Access
This experience was based on using a well know process as a library filter set so that workers can quickly filter to the stage and files they need for their current context. Communication on resource improvement was critical to success. The project was prototyped in and the interaction guide provided stakeholders and developers clear understanding of behaviors.
Process Based Filters for Intuitive Library Access
Preview asset across file types. Link allows page navigation for more information
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Sharing is a frequent activity and is available through preview, improving interaction speed
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Filters are stage or process based. Process selection is based on customer interviews to find the most common mental model. Filter speeds selection and improves communication on finding assets
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Instructions for files that don't have a preview available. This is a technical requirement due to bundled assets
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
A short video was created to provide quick learning
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Adding contacts per content area was added to make it easy to facilitate content questions and feedback at the right levels
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Detailing email interaction for development
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Maturity scores help users understand how content is rated for their region, and globally
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Instructions for finding assets when no filters are selected for ease of use
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Detailed interaction guide for development. Each item is detailed in a separate document area
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
Showing button state on a single page for ease of development. As features were added buttons were appended
Adding Process Filters for Better Library Access
This is the state of the asset marketplace when the project started. 1 of 2 slides.
This is the state of the asset marketplace when the project started. 2 of 2 slides.
Scenario driven design on an Intelligent Enterprise workplace experience
A cross persona approach to
scenario driven solutions
An enterprise CMS sales platform proposal based on mobile 1st approach using cards
A CMS interaction tool designed and developed using Zeplin.IO